
Excellent view on the city of Puno
In the center of the antique Coya region we find the small city of Puno,   known for its proximity to the lake of Titicaca, the highest (3.812 m.) and the biggest (8300 km2) navigable lake of the world, with precious places like Sillustani, Taquile, the floating islands of the Uros-people, etc.



Visits and excursions

Visit of the city and (optional) the funeral Chullpas (towers) of Sillustani.
Sillustani (one of the Chullpas)

Visit of the Yavari, the antique and best known ship of the lake Titicaca.
The famous boat Yavari
Built in 1862, the boat was delivered on the back of mules in 1,383 pieces in a six year journey over the Andes, and is now as mueseum ship.
The boat can be visited from Wensday until Sunday. The "captain" is the sympathic Carlos Saavedra
Excursion to the totora floating isles (papyrus) on the lake Titicaca.
Traditional living on Taquile
Excursion to Taquile island, where men weave with 4 to 5 needles their chullos (hats), one of the best known traditional symbols in this area of the altiplano.

The Amantani islands
Excursion to Amantani island

Beautiful loging on the Suasi-islands
excursion and logging to Suasi island
Fertility temple "Chimu".
Mini trekking


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Avenida Mariscal La Mar, 146Lima 18 (Miraflores) Tel/fax: 51-1-447.14.44